Circle of mages dragon age origins
Circle of mages dragon age origins

circle of mages dragon age origins

Lorewise that throng of mages in the end sequence marching up from the Calenhad docks had to come from somewhere, but we don't see them anywhere in the game. It may have been a technical issue like Corker was referring to- i.e., it was just too cumbersome or problematic to write in the Litany script without it getting botched by trying to also include a "switch to togglable for comments after battle over" script, so they just opted out of the latter. It's no major issue throwing open interpretations of core game concepts, but it does remain irresolvable. except for keeping the rescued mages alive in-game after that final battle. This pretty much proves that the mages in the Harrowing Chamber do indeed survive, and also goes to show that the devs thought of everything when making DA:O.Įdited by JWvonGoethe, 29 June 2013 - 11:25 PM. The only mages who survived in the second scenario were those in the Harrowing Chamber during Uldred's fight, so logic dictates that when the mage representative states 'not all died in the tower', he must be referring to those present at the final fight. This only happens if you used the Litany of Adralla, but the codex will still state that the Templars are fighting with you. If you did use the Litany of Adralla then the mages in the Harrowing Chamber (where you fought Uldred) will survive and you will get a mage representative from the Templars at the party camp. If you did not use the Litany of Adralla during the fight with Uldred, then all the mages will die and you will get a Templar at the party camp.Ģ. If you side with the Templars and perform the Right of Annulment on the Circle, then one of two things can happen:ġ. However, if you side with the Templars then something interesting happens which appears to answer your question, OP.

circle of mages dragon age origins

If you side with the mages then you get a mage representative at the party camp.

circle of mages dragon age origins

You can either side with the Templars or the mages during the Broken Circle quest.

Circle of mages dragon age origins